Fair Haven Mold Removal
Nash Everett: Mold Removal in Fair Haven
Mold Removal, Testing, Inspections, Lab Reports, and Certifications Mold is a result of a water intrusion and moisture problem within a structure. Mold can rapidly reproduce spreading invisible spores and toxins throughout your home and/or workplace.
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TESTING It is essential to have a Nash Everett certified mold removal technician perform a thorough inspection to determine the types of molds and the levels of contamination. Performing air quality testing, thermal imaging, closed wall cavity inspections, sampling, and lab reports to generate a remediation protocol for your property.
REMEDIATION Nash Everett’s remediation process follows IICRC S-520 standards by containing the affected areas and by using the latest technologies in air filtration systems and anti-microbial treatments to provide a safe indoor environment at you home and/or work place.
Best Mold Remediation in Fair Haven, New Jersey
STEPS OF A MOLD REMOVAL AND REMEDIATION JOB Step 1 – Property inspection and education of the occupants as required. A visual inspection of all areas from the attic down to the crawl space including the parking areas and the landscape drainage. Water issues in these areas can cause mold and water damage. Upon inspection, we talk to the property owner to inform them about any potential health-related concerns, this is part of our full-service process. Collecting information on past problems and repairs can also help identify the cause of leakage areas.
Step 2 – Sampling Taking samples in a standardized method will identify the types of mold and the concentrations of contamination throughout the structure. The samples are then taken to a certified lab to be analyzed for the printed mold report.
Step 3 – Lab Report and Remediation Plan After we receive the lab report and check the results of the contamination, we compile a remediation plan. This plan will lay out the scope of the work that needs to be done and bid pricing to complete the job, including all the reconstruction by a licensed contractor.
Step 4 – Review We will review our plan and pricing with the property owner so that they have a clear understanding of the scope and cost to complete the project.
Step 5 – Complete the Remediation Plan All work on the project will be completed as per the plan and bid pricing. We pride ourselves on a high level of quality and safety.
Step 6 – Clearance Testing Re-sample the work areas by taking samples to be tested by a certified lab. When the report passes the industry, standard required for a clearance, the job is categorized as a “pass”. If the test results do NOT meet the requirements, it is considered a fail. In the event that the site fails the test, the sanitization process is repeated and new samples are taken until a pass is attained.
Step 7 – Clearance
Fair Haven Mold Removal Near Me
When all of the remediation has been completed, we provide an overview of the project by discussing all of the details of the job and paperwork. A clearance certification is then issued.
Affordable Nearby Mold Removal 07704
Pricing BEWARE: Most mold removal bids do not include any of the reconstruction repairs. They may complete the job leaving your home with no dry wall and only 2×4 framing to look at.
Get a full build-back plan with a mold removal project by an experienced reconstruction contractor, call us. We can get rid of the mold, fix your water intrusion problems, repair the damage, and give you a warranty for all of the work.
For a one stop shop – Call Nash Everett +1 732-508-9197